An antique map of "Radnor, Breknok, Cardigan and Carmarthen" by Pieter Van den Keere. Published in 1617 in "GuilielmiCamdeni, Viri clarissimi Britannia, sive florentissimorum Regnorum Angliae, Scotiae, Hiberniae & Insularum" this map was an uncoloured copy of Van Den Keere's map 1599, with later hand colouring. Unlike the 1599 map, there is text on the back of this map and it bears the pagination of the book in the top left margin on the map (419) and on the back (420). The Plate Number 46, which appear in the later copies of this map does not feature in the bottom right corner of the map. Margins as shown. Includes free mounting on request.
Approx 12cms by 8.5cms.